Oxygen effects...
Muscle Aches and Pains Cancer & Disease Circulatory Problems Depression Digestive Problems Stamina During Exercise Sleep Disorders Hangovers Headaches & Migraines |
It takes about 15 minutes of breathing pure oxygen to help you both sustain health and recover health. The Earth is composed of more than 100 elements, the most abundant of which is Oxygen. Oxygen is essential to the survival of all living matter. It is well known that oxygen plays a key role in every cellular process. It supports the immune system, destroys toxic substances, fuels metabolism, and promotes new cell growth. Most bacteria thrive in slightly acidic conditions. Slightly alkaline (oxygenated) blood keeps bacteria from multiplying because it holds oxygen better. ** Scientists found that treatments with oxygen would often produce relief from headaches. Oxygen treatments are said to be the newest trend, invading the states with great popularity in Hollywood and Las Vegas. Even dating shows on television, such as "Xtreme Dating," are featuring oxygen bars.
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* Advice and services given by Jentox employees have not been approved by the FDA. Any reliance on any information provided by the web site personnel, others appearing on the web site at the invitation of the website and/or other visitors to the web site is solely at the user's risk. Information on this web site is not intended to and should not substitute for your regular doctors advice.